Thirteen-year-old Dua Farhan Ahmed, a Pakistani student residing in Abu Dhabi, brought honor to Pakistan by clinching the “Young Author Award 2024” in Dubai.
The competition, organized by Learner Circular, attracted participants from schools across the UAE.
Dua’s story titled “The Truth behind the Evil” resonated profoundly with the judges, propelling her to victory in the contest. Expressing her joy at receiving the award, she dedicated it to her homeland, saying her determination to elevate Pakistan’s renown globally through her writing.
Her winning story was published in Dubai, marking a significant milestone in her literary journey.
Last November, a Pakistani teacher who founded a school for underprivileged children in the courtyard of her house when she was still in her teens won the prestigious Global Teacher Award.
Sister Zeph, hailing from Gujranwala, set up the school when she was 13 to help children whose parents could not afford to pay any fee. She worked eight-hour days to fund the school, then taught students for another four hours and then stayed up at night teaching herself.
Twenty-six years later, the school is housed in a brand-new building and provides free education for more than 200 underprivileged children.