World Happiness Report: Pakistan ranked happiest among neighboring countries


The people of Pakistan tend to experience greater levels of happiness compared to their counterparts in neighboring countries such as India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan, a recent report said.

This insight comes from the World Happiness Report 2024, jointly issued by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre, and the WHR’s Editorial Board.

Finland maintains its position as the world’s happiest country for the seventh consecutive year, attributed to its high standard of living, quality education, and robust healthcare system. Despite global challenges like the pandemic and socio-economic disruptions, Finland remains one of the least corrupt nations.

Based on data from over 140 countries, Nordic countries dominate the top spots, with Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden following Finland. Conversely, the United States (23rd), Germany (24th), and Mexico (25th) occupy the bottom ranks.

Pakistan secures the 108th position, surpassing India (126th), Bangladesh (129th), and Afghanistan, which ranks lowest out of 143 countries. Pakistan scores 4.6 out of 10, reflecting ongoing efforts to enhance social support, freedom of choice, and charitable activities, underscoring the need for policy measures to enhance overall quality of life.

Countries ranking lower than Pakistan include Niger (109th), Burkina Faso (110th), and Mauritania (111th). The bottom five countries preceding Afghanistan are Zimbabwe, Congo, Sierra Leone, Lesotho, and Lebanon, ranking 138th to 142nd, respectively.

Among Middle Eastern nations, the UAE (22nd) and Saudi Arabia (28th) rank relatively high, while Singapore (30th), Japan (50th), and South Korea (51st) represent notable positions among Asian countries.

Further down the list, Iran (100th), Laos (94th), Nepal (93rd), and Iraq (92nd) are among the top 100 countries. The top 60 also include Cyprus, the Philippines, Vietnam, Portugal, Hungary, Paraguay, Thailand, Malaysia, and China.

Key variables considered in the report include GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and corruption. The survey utilized a rating scale from 0 to 10, known as the Cantril ladder, with input from 1000 respondents.

Compared to last year’s ranking at 121st, Pakistan’s improved position in this year’s report suggests progress in enhancing societal well-being.

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